Teaching Archives for 2021
- 13th March 2022, Alan Welsh, Elisha 4 Getting Your Heart Right, 2 Kings 3:13-20.
- 6th March 2022, Robert Taggart, Giants – The Battle is the Lord’s, 1 Samuel 17:1-11, 45-50.
- 27th February 2022, Alan Welsh, Elisha 4 The 2 Bears, 2 Kings 2:23-25.
- 20th February 2022, Alan Welsh, Elisha3 Being Salt, 2 Kings 2:19-22.
- 13th February 2022, Alan Welsh, Elisha 2 Moving on Your Own, 2Kings 2:1-15.
- 6th February 2022, Julien Crispin, Are We Handling the Word of God Correctly? 2 Timothy 2:15.
- 30th January 2022, Alan Welsh, Introducing Elisha, 1 Kings 19:19-21.
- 23rd January 2022, Alan Welsh, Lost & Found, Luke 15:1-10.
- 16th January 2022, Julien Crispin, Your Worth, John 15:1-17.
- 9th January 2022, Alan Welsh, Prepare The Way, Isaiah 40:3-5.
- 2nd January 2022, Alan Welsh, You and I: Shining our Light.
- 26th December 2021, Julien Crispin, The Day of the Lord will Come.
- 19th December 2021, Alan Welsh. A Christmas Gift: Like 2:8-18.
- 12th December 2021, Tom Muir, Water of Life: Beginning and End.
- (NB first minute of file was corrupt – references are Genesis 1:1-2 and Revelation 22:1-6)
- 5th December 2021, Alan Welsh, First Advent.
- 28th November 2021, Alan Welsh, The Deposit!
- (Apologies, first part of recording is missing; scripture is Ephesians 1:11-14)
- 21st November 2021, Julien Crispin, What’s Your Story?
- 15th November 2021, Alan Welsh, The Gethsemane Battle.
- 07th November 2021, Baptism Service, Facebook Video.
- October 31st 2021, Alan Welsh, This is How We Know!
- October 24th 2021, Alan Welsh, Spiritual Growth for a Group Project!
- October 10th 2021, Julien Crispin, What are you doing?
- October 3rd 2021, Alan Welsh, Thanksgiving.
- September 26th 2021, Alan Welsh, Farewell Discourse.
- June 6th 2021, Julien Crispin, Rivers of Living Water.